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Qualitative and Quantitative Modes: Overview and Features 

SeeMeTeach offers a tool that reduces subjectivity by providing tons of data and evidence, thereby significantly increasing confidence and trust in the process. Below are some post-observation analysis images and descriptions of the SMT tool. 

Qualitative Comments Mode - The upper half of the graphic below shows how an observer can leave comments and recommendations, and post-observation easily locate such for feedback and coaching. 
Video Window - observation can be completed via video, live virtual, live in person, or from audio.
Timeline of Comments - shows where in the lesson an observer(s) placed a comment, or reacted to another team member's comment - click and link to the comment and the video segment.
Comment Buttons - observe, click to label a comment, type the comment or recommendation. Multiple sets of comment buttons to choose from.
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Comments - Shows single observer or team's comments. Scroll or use Find by comment category for pinpointing specific feedback.
Respond to a Comment - The user
can react, respond, or add on to a comment.
Shows data for each single student and the whole group regarding engagement and classroom management.
Seating Chart Heat Map - shows extent of student engagement or misbehaviors for each student or group of students. 
Data Analysis Options - Multiple ways the robust data can be analyzed and displayed via charts, tables, graphs and student seating chart heat map.
Data Timeline - black bars indicate individual student events, red bars are group events, all linked to video segments on a backdrop of the type of lesson. 
Quantitative Data and Analysis Mode - The lower half of the graphic above shows the robust post-observation data analysis options. 
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Data, data, and more data!
Code SummaryWhere all the data is summarized using graphs and tables.
Student Engagement Displays which students contributed to the class, and when, using black bars on a timeline, and also a heat map on the seating chart. The user can also isolate data for an individual student, and play the linked video. The Seating Chart also displays student engagement within small groups. Red bars indicate when the teacher was using whole-class strategies to get all students thinking and responding.
Management SummaryManagement Summary provides a seating chart, timeline and individual student data for misbehaviors represented by black bars on the timeline. The teacher's responses and interventions are represented by red bars on the timeline. Both student and teacher action bars are linked to those specific segments in the video.
Interaction PatternsInteraction Patterns provides a look at the teacher’s teaching fingerprint, uncovering, and showing major tendencies for how they interact with students, and how much student-student interaction was present in the lesson.
Wait-time SummaryThe Wait-time Summary provides a breakdown of wait-time 1 and wait-time 2 (and more) as well as wait-time averages for different question types and teacher actions.
Small-Group SummarySmall Group data can be collected and tagged for each small group and then analyzed and displayed according to the specific small groups.
Teacher Actions Plus - All the data on one screen on a timeline and toggled on or off to focus on data of choice.
Download or Export DataSMT software is designed to allow the user to download the raw data collected during a teacher observation. Clicking the Download Data button will compile the raw data into a .csv (spreadsheet) file that resides on the user’s computer to apply a statistical package external to SMT and thereby achieve their own customized and personalized analysis.
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Observation Categories & CommentsThe observer, or multiple team members, provides comments labeled by categories.
Comments Button SetsThe observer has a number of comment button sets to choose from when using the qualitative comments mode.
Lesson PlansBefore, during, or after the observation, the observer can quickly access the teacher’s Lesson Plans, either via the Dashboard, or via the Team Table
Pre-Lesson QuestionsThe person being observed can provide context to the lesson and describe the intentions of what they hope to accomplish in the lesson.
Seating ChartThe teacher or observer can create a Seating Chart and refer to this when making comments - showing each student and indicating small groups
Post Lesson QuestionsTo stimulate reflection, this can be filled out or accessed via the setting, or via the observation/analysis page.
Team Table - With this feature a user can choose whose comments to view.
Embedding Data and Evidence Within CommentsThe observer can use data from the quantitative analysis to bolster statements, recommendations of questions while in the comments mode.
Summative FormsWhen the observation is over, the observer can add Summative Comments, and/or fill in Summative Forms.
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