Chameleon Condo, Critters, and Critical Thinking
Chameleon Condos uses critter habitats to foster and promote science inquiry for elementary through high school classrooms, science fair projects, and homeschooling. Teach using a highly student-engaging activity!
The 76 pages include chapters on stimulating interest in science, building the basic 5-bottle condo, variations including the 10-bottle, 9-bottle, 18-bottle a and b, mini-condos, caring for your critters (anoles, crickets, ants, and spiders), preparing students for doing investigations, creative problem solving and critical thinking, integrating science into other areas, design and problem-solving challenges, and more.

Table Of Contents
Chameleon Condos: Stimulating Interest In Science
Building the Basic 5-Bottle Condo
Parts List: (for a 5-bottle condo)
Step by Step Directions
Variations to the Condo
Eighteen-Bottle (Version A)
Eighteen-Bottle (Version B)
Caring For Your Critters
Feeding Tubes for Crickets
Art Colony
7. Preparing Students for Doing Science Investigations
8. Creative Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
How to Begin
Observation Logs
SSCS & Critical Thinking in Action – Ant Study
9. Integrating Science Into Other Subject Areas
Putting It All Together
10. Design and Problem Solving Challenges
New Designs Created by Students
New Designs and Creative Design Award
Condo Variation Diagrams

5 Bottle Variation

9 Bottle Variation