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Registration and Costs

  • The Individual or Group license fee only allows the use of SMT for personal research and NOT for research or evaluation associated with a project that is funded by an internal or external funding source, and especially not for work done for hire as an external evaluator of a grant or a funded project using local, state, national or international funds. In that case, see the Grants and Funding statement below and consult with SMT per needs, options, and a license fee.

  • If a single person is using SMT for their own research (not work for hire or grant-related) then register as an individual user and the cost is $35 per person for a license for one year. The Individual, K-12 School, or Teacher Education Program license fee only allows the use of SMT for use as described therein and does not include use for a consulting or an evaluation project.

  • If a group is working together (such as faculty with graduate students, or an instructor and students in a research methodology class but not work for hire) then register under a group account so all the members are within the same group and can list each other as team members when completing observations - the cost is $35 per person for a one year license. Note the license fee for a group account is paid in one lump sum, but, an alternative way to register is to have each person register as an individual, then invite each other to join the observation team.

  • Grants and Funding: Evaluators and consultants are subject to a license fee that provides access to the use of SMT and supporting documents across the broad spectrum of uses described above. Contact SMT to discuss needs, options, and a license fee. It is the Grant Evaluators and Funded Projects Plan that allows for use of SMT in association with consulting and evaluation work, but the license is not a multi-project license in any sense unless stipulated in the written license agreement with SMT. The Grant Evaluators and Funded Projects Plan license includes work completed for the evaluator's IHE if the project involved has any internal or external funding and also includes and is needed to use SMT for any of the uses described above. This license is necessary for any faculty or graduate students who work for hire as an external evaluator of a grant or funded project using local, state, national or international funds. When in doubt, contact SMT.

Registration and Costs
* Note that the SeeMeTeach Terms of Service contain specific language that prohibits using SMT as a tool for any compensated consulting work or in association for any services you provide or use in a business you own or are an employee of without FIRST obtaining a written licensing agreement from SeeMeTeach LLC. This includes the use of SMT in association with grant-funded or grant-related work in any form and especially for the evaluation of internal or external funding sources or use of SMT in relation to IHE's and instruction. If related to such contact SMT for licensing. 
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