Dialogues for the Science Classroom

Engage your science students in dialogues – with content written as interesting conversations, students read, act, communicate and listen as they take on the role of one of the two characters in the dialogue while learning science content, issues, history and activity-based situations.
Get students out of their passive mode and into a highly productive lesson using dialogues. Each book contains a section focusing on how to use dialogues in the classroom. Used in regular or flipped classrooms, also used for ESL, ELL, and to improve reading and language skills, or for home schooling. Make sure your classroom or library has these exciting resources.

Paperback - $14.95
PDF - eBook - $9.95
200 pages, 57 dialogues – Example topics include the meaning of life, statistics, doing research, the chemistry of life, atoms, enzymes, cell division, organelles, chromosomes, DNA, gene expression, epigenome, replication, meiosis, mitosis, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, diffusion, osmosis, genome, classification and evolution, taxonomy, natural selection, viruses, prions, plant structure, the human body, epidermis, blood, alimentary canal, muscles, form and function, ecology, populations, data gathering, graphing, analysis of data, and many more.
4.3 Zip and Zap The Life and Divide of Cells
5.8 Wei and Noe Discuss Meiosis
7.1 Hip and Hop Catch Up On Viruses
10.5 Pip and Pep Predict Populations
See these examples and more, the Table of Contents and Abstracts in the Dialogues for the Science Classroom book – see below.

Paperback - $14.95
PDF - eBook - $9.95
200 pages, 63 dialogues – Example topics include measurement and lab safety, mass vs weight, states of matter, heterogeneous vs homogeneous, surface tension, atomic structure, the periodic table, chemical formulas, the mole, empirical formulas, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, molecular structure, gas laws, solutions and colloids, suspensions, colligative, thermodynamics, acids, bases, and salts, titration, oxidation and reduction, nuclear chemistry, organic chemistry, polymers, chemistry in today’s world, and many more.
2.7 Put Your Tongue on the Flagpole
4.2 Biff and Baff Calculate Mass
6.2 Whiz and Bang Marvel at Moles
18.2 That's Not Plastic It's a Polymer
See these examples and more, the Table of Contents and Abstracts in the Dialogues for the Science Classroom book – see below.
Physical Science

Paperback - $14.95
PDF - eBook - $9.95
178 pages, 58 dialogues – Example topics include: what is science, hypotheses, theories, laws, scientific evidence, floating and sinking, buoyancy, density, air pressure, kinetic motion, temperature, solids, liquids and gases, atoms, molecules, the periodic table, valence electrons and bonding, matter vs energy, chemical equations, reactions, dissolving, chemical vs physical change, surface tension, cohesion, atomic models, electron, mass number, electronegativity, covalent and ionic bonding, acids and bases, salts, solutions, suspensions and colloids, polymers, chemistry in the world around us, and more. Note that the dialogues in this volume work well in middle school and high school chemistry.
2.3 To Float or Not to Float
3.6 Pour Me Some Air
5.5 Two plus six or six plus two
7.1 Acids Bases and Salts Oh My
See these examples and more, the Table of Contents and Abstracts in the Dialogues for the Science Classroom book – see below.

Paperback - $14.95
PDF - eBook - $9.95
200 pages, 67 dialogues – Example topics include significant figures, density, graphing, vectors, distance vs displacement, speed, acceleration, Newton’s Laws, forces, simple machines, pressure, weight and mass, translational and rotational motion, projectile motion, impulse, energy, work, power, heat, temperature, gas laws, waves, sound, light and color, optics, static electricity, current electricity, parallel and series circuits, voltage and resistance, magnetism, the atom, nuclear physics, radioactivity, quantum theory and relativity, and more.
2.1 Graph a Giraffe
3.4 The Instantaneous Average Speed
3.6 Speed Aint Acceleration
4.4 Lets Fly Away
19.1 Discovery of Radiation
See these examples and more, the Table of Contents and Abstracts in the Dialogues for the Science Classroom book – see below.
Earth and Space Science

Paperback - $14.95
PDF - ebook - $9.95
182 pages, 58 dialogues – Example topics include: geologists, earth history, hypothesis, superposition, carbon cycle, minerals, magma, igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary, deposition, stalactite, stalagmite, fossil record, earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, scientific theory, plate boundaries, aquifer, models, impermeable, groundwater, atmosphere, wind and waves, oceanography, seafloor, ocean currents, thermal layers, glaciers, soil formation, space science, maps and many more. Note that the dialogues in this volume work well in middle school and high school earth and space science classes.
1.2 A Track Record in Reverse
2.7 The Ultimate Question Where Did I Come From
3.4 Fossils and Dragons
5.4 Plate Tectonics and the Notion of a Scientific Theory
7.1 A Salty Solution
See these examples and more, the Table of Contents and Abstracts in the Dialogues for the Science Classroom book – see below.
Science Methods and PD

Strategies Book for Future or Current Teachers
Using Dialogues in the Science Classroom: A 232-page strategies and introduction to dialogues book with Examples for Middle and Secondary Teacher Preparation and Professional Development. Download and see the power of using the dialogues strategy, and find the many dialogues that will fit into your units of study. Use this book to teach future teachers about using dialogues in the classroom or share with colleagues at conference presentations and school or district professional development sessions.
PDF - ebook - $5.00
Dialogues - School Set

This 5 piece Science Set Includes Dialogues For: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth and Space, and Physical Science For Individual Teachers - For a School or District License contact MMP
Dialogues - School Set

This 9 piece School Set Includes Dialogues For: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth and Space, Physical Science, American History 1492-1856 and 1865-2010, English 1 and English 2 - For Individual Teachers - For a School or District License contact MMP.