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Institutions of Higher Education Plan


SMT supports university and community college teaching enhancement through our software tools and services. Are you looking to address any of the following?

  • DEI instructional improvements

  • improved D/F/W rates

  • student enrollment/retention issues

  • provide support for faculty through an office/center for teaching excellence

  • accreditation or credentialing data collection and analysis, or  

  • provide structure for teaching improvement in a Quality Enhancement Plan

Depending on the level of faculty engagement that is right for your team:

  • individual faculty can analyze their teaching using robust data

  • faculty can work in groups through peer-mentoring and local analysis solutions

  • SMT can analyze the data for you and your faculty and provide turn-key reports


      Contact us today to discuss your needs and build a quote!


Grant Evaluation 

SMT can help everyone, from large firms to independent evaluators, assess the impact of local, state, or federally funded projects focusing on teaching and learning by collecting data on teacher actions and student engagement. What types of contexts can you use SMT in?

  • Any context where observed behaviors need to be coded and analyzed

  • engagement in large groups, small groups, or lab settings

  • the need to gather robust data on teacher and student actions

SMT ​makes evaluator's lives easier by:

  • streamlining observational data collection

  • dove-tailing with PI research questions

  • offering turn-key data analysis and reporting for you to incorporate into your products

  • robust fidelity, validity, and reliability 


      Contact us today to discuss your needs and build a quote!

Faculty and Graduate Research 

SMT provides tools and services to support robust, publishable research on teaching and learning by collecting data on teacher and student actions. How can SMT be used by the research community?:

  • to observe any behaviors that need to be coded and analyzed

  • gather data on how instructors teach, how lessons are delivered, and how students are affected

  • engagement in large groups, small groups, or lab settings

  • any context where you need to gather robust data on teacher and student actions

Who can benefit from using SMT?

  • Faculty looking for a strong observational data collection system and analysis for their work

  • Graduate students who want support in research design, data collection, and analysis for theses and dissertations

  • Faculty teaching graduate research methods courses that include the use of software tools and/or coding and analysis of observational data

      Contact us today to discuss your needs and build a quote!


Note that the SeeMeTeach Terms of Service contain specific language that prohibits using SMT as a tool for any compensated consulting work or in association with any services you provide or use in a business you own or are an employee of without FIRST obtaining a written licensing agreement from SeeMeTeach LLC. This includes using SMT in association with compensated work involving internal or external funding sources or using SMT in relation to IHEs and instruction. If related to such, contact SMT for licensing. I acknowledge and agree to such and the penalties for violating this agreement.
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