Using SeeMeTeach to Generate Evidence-Based Responses for the NBCT
What is NBCT?
NBCT is a high-stakes assessment used to determine the higher-level teaching skills of practicing teachers. Consisting of five major propositions, the NBCT candidate prepares materials for an NBCT assessor to use the rubrics to evaluate the candidate's submission. The candidate must meet or exceed the passing score to achieve the prestigious NBCT certification.
Why Use SMT When Preparing an NBCT Submission?
As a benefit of SMT registration, users can access the NBCT supporting documents.
SMT is a powerful mechanism for observing video and collecting comments, data, evidence, and indicators that will significantly enrich the written reflection of the teacher candidate's teaching when responding to the NBCT rubrics that target analyzing how the lesson was taught and the impact on student engagement.
Knowing what evidence and indicators are needed when analyzing a lesson guide teacher candidates
when planning and delivering lessons that contain the desired and critical indicators of teaching
effectiveness that NBCT assessors look for in a teacher's NBCT submission.
The SMT and NBCT document provides:
Guidance in planning for and teaching a lesson containing robust supporting evidence and indicators of teaching effectiveness.
Guidance regarding specific supporting data and indicators when using SMT to analyze the lesson; evidence can be infused when writing the written reflection.
Concrete examples of evidence and indicators that help meet the expectations of each rubric.
The Power of Using SeeMeTeach for NBCT and Evidence-Based Narratives
SMT is a teacher observation tool that contains:
Qualitative mode for comments, analysis, and feedback
Quantitative mode for data collection, analysis, and feedback
Data displayed using tables, graphs, charts, heat maps
Data and comments linked to video segments
Seating chart heat maps showing student engagement and misbehaviors
Teacher-student interaction data, patterns, and specific wait-times
Feedback forms, standard or your own
A collaboration of up to four team members for observation and feedback
Using SMT During Teaching to Prepare for the NBCT Submission
Ramping up to the NBCT submission - Ideally, the NBCT supporting document and SMT should be introduced and used before the submission phase, so the teacher-candidate has the opportunity and time to develop solid and positive teaching skills before teaching the lesson that is used for the NBCT submission. The desired indicators of effective teaching should be well entrenched, with analysis, reflection, and feedback a normal part of future teachers' expectations, and therefore candidates become accustomed to using data to analyze their teaching and seeing data embedded in feedback. Learning to make teaching decisions based on data positively affects planning for teaching and classroom instruction and elevates their ability to analyze their teaching – the core of the NBCT challenge. Teaching and analyzing instruction work hand in hand, and knowing how to use SMT as a tool for observation and reflection becomes second nature to the teacher candidate when it comes time to complete, submit, and, therefore, pass and achieve robust scores on the NBCT.
During the NBCT planning, teaching, and analysis period - If a teacher-candidate has not used SMT and the supporting documentation before the NBCT planning, teaching, and analysis sequence, then using these documents will help the teacher-candidate to carefully plan and purposefully embed these score-raising indicators into their lesson plan and, in turn, help seed their teaching with actions that reflect the indicators for each rubric used to score the submission. As a result, the video of their teaching captures critical indicators and evidence that help fulfill the intent of the rubric, which now allows for data and evidence collected by SMT to be embedded in their NBCT narrative. Using SMT and the supporting documents will foster a much more evidence-based and richer description, potentially a more robust score on the NBCT.